Student Against Destructive Behavior Advisors: Ms. Smith and Ms. Woods Meeting Dates are: New Members Always Welcome SADD’s Mission: To provide students with the best prevention tools possible to deal with the issues of underage drinking, other drug use, risky and impaired driving, and other destructive decisions. SADD is an inclusive, not an exclusive, organization. SADD recognizes that the pressures on young people to drink, use illicit drugs and engage in other unhealthy behaviors are strong. SADD seeks not to punish or alienate those students who make unfortunate choices but rather aims to inform, educate, support and empower young people to make positive decisions in their lives. In addition to spreading a positive message, SADD will to give back to the community throughout the year by providing community service, student assemblies, student social events, fundraisers and positive student recognition incentives. More Information |