Winslow Township Middle School
Winslow Township Middle School
School Nurse
Greetings from the Health Office.

If your student has medical issues that need to be addressed, please let me know. The Medical Alerts that are sent home during the summer should be filled out and sent back to the Health Office. This information is only shared with your student’s teachers.

Screenings are Done Yearly

7th Grade- Height, Weight, Blood Pressure, Scoliosis, and Hearing
8th Grade- Height, Weight, Blood Pressure, and Vision

As with any screening they do not replace the more comprehensive testing that can be accomplished in your physician’s office. Any child whom we find that doesn’t pass the screening will have a referral notice sent home. If you receive a referral notice, have your family physician or eye doctor examine your child and send in the completed form to the nurse’s office.


Medications in school, including over the counter meds, are strictly regulated. A parent/guardian or designated adult must bring in the medication to school along with the medication administration form completed by the parent/guardian and the doctor. Also, the school does have a nebulizer on the premises. Any student with asthma who may require a treatment needs only to bring in the completed medication administration form, mask and tubing. All medications must be dropped off in their original container and the child’s name must be on the package.
  • Please update any emergency numbers or new work numbers.

When to Keep a Sick Child Out of School
  • If your child has a mild cold or cough, keeping him/her out of school probably will not prevent transmitting the cold virus to others, but it may be a good idea. Most upper respiratory illnesses are contagious before a child is noticeably ill. HOWEVER, if there is a constant or heavy cough or if nasal drainage is thick and colorful you should speak to you physician before sending him/her to school. Remember, these children do not fell well, and if they are here but need to be resting at home, it can be a very long and unpleasant day for them.
  • If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, he/she MUST stay home. Keep him/her out of school for 24 hours after the fever returns to normal (98.6 degrees). DO NOT send your child to school with a fever after he/she has been given Tylenol or Motrin in the morning. They usually do not feel well in spite of the medication, it wears off and the fever returns. At home the child needs plenty of rest, plenty of fluids and possibly medication.
  • Keep home any child who is vomiting or has diarrhea.
  • If your child has a fever with a rash, you MUST speak to your doctor before you take him/her to school Please be aware that you will need to supply a doctor’s note for the child to return to school. Any child who develops rash or fever while at school will need to be picked up, and seen by a doctor.
  • Keep your child home if she/he has strep throat, pinkeye with discharge, ring worm or a bacterial infection for 24 hours AFTER medication has been started. Again they will need a doctor’s note to return.
  • Please send your child to school with plenty of tissues and instructions to wash their hands frequently.
I hope your student has a successful and healthy school year.

Forms needed

Contact Information

– Nurse
Phone: 856-767-7222 x7400